
Spicetify Lucid Theme

A minimal and dynamic Bloom-inspired theme for Spicetify. Go to Screenshots

Table of Contents


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Manual installation using Scripts (recomended):

Windows (Powershell)

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
iex "& { $(iwr -useb 'https://sanooj.is-a.dev/Spicetify-Lucid/install/Lucid.ps1') }"

Linux/macOS (Bash)

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sanoojes/Spicetify-Lucid/main/install/install.sh | sh


For those who used scripts and not Marketplace.

Windows (PowerShell)

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
iex "& { $(iwr -useb 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sanoojes/spicetify-lucid/main/install/Lucid.ps1') } -Action Update"

Other OS

Use the Bash installation script or manually update the files.


For those who used scripts and not Marketplace.

Automated (Windows PowerShell)

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
iex "& { $(iwr -useb 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sanoojes/spicetify-lucid/main/install/Lucid.ps1') } -Action Uninstall"

Manual Uninstallation

spicetify config color_scheme ' ' current_theme ' '
spicetify apply

If you uninstall Lucid let us know how to shape our future!

Using Spicetify Marketplace (simpler installation):

  1. Install the spicetify-marketplace extension following its instructions: https://github.com/spicetify/marketplace/wiki/Installation.
  2. Search for “Lucid” in the Spicetify Marketplace and click “Install.”

Advanced Manual Installation:

  1. Download the repository: Visit the Lucid GitHub repository: https://github.com/sanoojes/Spicetify-Lucid and download the code as a ZIP archive.
  2. Locate Spicetify’s Themes directory: Use the command spicetify path userdata in your terminal/command prompt to find the path.
  3. Create the theme folder: Inside the Themes directory, create a new folder named Lucid.
  4. Extract theme files: Extract the downloaded ZIP archive and move all files from the src subfolder to the Lucid folder you created.
  5. Apply the theme: Open your terminal/command prompt and run these commands (replace <color_scheme> with your desired scheme):

    spicetify config current_theme Lucid
    spicetify config color_scheme <color_scheme>  # Example: dark, light, etc.
    spicetify config inject_css 1 replace_colors 1 overwrite_assets 1 inject_theme_js 1
    spicetify apply


Color scheme:

Available schemes: dark, light, comfy, macos, coffee, violet, dracula, biscuit, cozytile, rosepine, darkgreen, greenland, dark-bloom, dark-fluent, dracula-pro, cosmic-dusk, midnight-slate, nocturne-coast, catppuccin-mocha, midnight-catppuccin.

Accent color:

  1. Navigate to the Spicetify Themes directory using spicetify path userdata in your terminal.
  2. Open the Lucid folder.
  3. Edit the color.ini file for your current color scheme (e.g., color.dark.ini).
  4. Make your desired changes to the accent color values.
  5. Run spicetify apply to apply the changes.


Dark (default) with Control Nav

Base Dark with Control Nav Base Dark with Control Nav 1

Dark (default)

Base Dark Preview Dark Preview 0 Dark Preview 1 Dark 1 Preview 2 Dark 2 Preview 3 Dark 2 Preview 3 Dark 2 Preview 3

Lucid Settings

This section contains available settings for customizing the Lucid theme. Settings are grouped into sections for easier navigation.

Background Settings

These settings control the overall appearance of the visualizer’s background.

Setting Options Default Description
Background - Default Background- Animated Background- Solid Background Default Background Selects the type of background to display: - Default Background: Displays the default background image. - Animated Background: Displays an animated background that responds to audio. - Solid Background: Displays a solid color background.
Background Grains - Stary Grains (default)- Normal Grains- No Grains Stary Grains Chooses the type of grain effect applied to the background: - Stary Grains: Displays a subtle, sparkling grain effect. - Normal Grains: Displays a standard film grain effect. - No Grains: Disables the grain effect.

Default Background Settings

These settings control the appearance of the default background when no audio is playing and the “Default Background” option is selected in Background Settings.

Setting Min Max Default Description
Blur 0 100 24 Amount of blur applied to the background. Higher values mean more blur.
Brightness 0 200 65 Brightness level of the background. 100 is the default brightness, values below make it darker and above make it brighter.
Contrast 0 200 80 Contrast level of the background. 100 is the default contrast, values below make it less contrasted and above make it more contrasted.
Saturation 0 200 90 Saturation level of the background. 100 is the default saturation, values below make it less saturated (more greyscale) and above make it more saturated (more vibrant).

Animated Background Settings

These settings control the appearance and behavior of the animated background when audio is playing and the “Animated Background” option is selected in Background Settings.

Setting Min Max Default Description
Blur 32 256 64 Amount of blur applied to the animated background. Higher values mean more blur.
Saturation 0 500 150 Saturation level of the animated background. 100 is the default saturation, values below make it less saturated (more greyscale) and above make it more saturated (more vibrant).
Contrast 0 200 115 Contrast level of the animated background. 100 is the default contrast, values below make it less contrasted and above make it more contrasted.
Brightness 0 200 65 Brightness level of the animated background. 100 is the default brightness, values below make it darker and above make it brighter.
Animation Time 0 120 45 Duration in seconds for one animation cycle (0 = no animation, recommended: 30-60).

Now Playing Bar Settings

These settings control the appearance of the “Now Playing” bar.

Setting Min Max Default Description
Opacity 0 100 100 Overall opacity of the bar. 0 is completely transparent, 100 is fully opaque.
Background Color Opacity 0 100 50 Opacity specifically for the bar’s background color. 0 is completely transparent, 100 is fully opaque.
Height 0 500 80 Height of the bar.
Padding in X axis 0 50 4 Horizontal padding within the bar. Higher values mean more space between the content and the edges of the bar.
Margin Bottom 0 50 8 Spacing between the bottom of the bar and content below it. Higher values mean more space.
Border Radius 0 100 8 Rounding of the bar’s corners. Higher values mean more rounded corners.
Blur 0 100 32 Blur applied to the bar. Higher values mean more blur.
Saturation 0 200 100 Saturation level of the bar. 100 is the default saturation, values below make it less saturated (more greyscale) and above make it more saturated (more vibrant).
Contrast 0 200 100 Contrast level of the bar. 100 is the default contrast, values below make it less contrasted and above make it more contrasted.
Brightness 0 200 100 Brightness level of the bar. 100 is the default brightness, values below make it darker and above make it brighter.


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